Supply Today supports end-to-end
4 min leestijdAt Supply Today, we focus on precise and efficient execution to turn plans into tangible results, ensuring that every aspect of the supply chain transformation is carried out successfully.
End-to-end deployment support
The professionals at Supply Today are experts in their fields, strengthening the organization where expertise is lacking or needs extra attention. Initially, they assist in detailing the blueprint, but they are also involved in preparing tender documents, selecting the right partners, specifying the proposed concepts by the selected parties, and ultimately overseeing implementation.
Selection processes are a crucial part of the transformation. Companies often choose to outsource parts of their supply chain transformation, and Supply Today supports this process. This includes selecting the right suppliers for financing, designing and constructing new production or logistics facilities, and implementing a warehouse management system. Naturally, Supply Today is closely involved in selecting a system integrator responsible for designing, integrating, and realizing a mechanized logistics system.
Supply Today offers a team of highly experienced managers who have a proven track record in supply chain execution.
Program- and projectmanagement
The end-to-end implementation is overseen by a single individual: the program manager. Together with management, a project organization is established to identify which parts of the project need support to ensure success. We prioritize a combination of organizational knowledge, analytical skills, and extensive project management experience. Line management plays a key role in the project structure, participating in regular discussions and reporting, which can be weekly or even daily. When necessary, we bring in specialized project managers who provide additional expertise, monitor progress, and report alongside line management to the program manager on a weekly basis. The program manager coordinates all projects, prepares reports, facilitates decision-making for steering committees, and ensures that resources are sufficient.
At Supply Today, we work exclusively with experienced consultants and managers. This approach provides ample opportunities for developing the client’s employees—often young talents—within the project teams. They conduct analyses, supported by our guidance when necessary. We use standardized formats for defining projects, tracking progress, and planning to ensure clarity and efficiency.
Supply Today offers experts with extensive experience in developing mechanized systems for logistics and production. We have in-depth knowledge of application possibilities for different logistics activities, the latest technological advancements, required investment budgets, and the pros and cons of the latest technologies, such as goods-to-person systems, autonomous vehicles (AMRs, AGVs), and robotics. This expertise allows us to provide outstanding solutions and develop business cases for situations where the client wishes to maintain control over the mechanization process.
When a system integrator is chosen, we can evaluate and improve their proposals. Naturally, we can guide the client’s team in detail while specifying the concept proposed by the system integrator.
Selection and implementation of Warehouse Management Systems
Our professionals are also well-versed in all relevant Warehouse Management System (WMS) packages and their functionalities. During the tender process, we work closely with the client’s team to formulate the requirements for the WMS package. Often, increased mechanization requires a high-end solution capable of optimizing performance across different mechanized components. Evaluating functionalities, identifying necessary extensions, and considering potential cloud solutions are all elements that management may be uncertain about, and where we provide solid guidance. Together with the client’s team and the WMS supplier, our expert advises on how the WMS, the interfaces with in-house systems, and the Warehouse Control System (WCS) should be designed for this specific situation—always aiming to avoid costly custom solutions where possible. The challenge lies in simplifying complex existing processes into standard solutions, unless customization is essential for the business operations.
Expansion of Existing Location or Building a New Location
Our architect and construction supervisors have successfully designed numerous production and logistics facilities to the full satisfaction of our clients. If a (house) architect has already been chosen, we are happy to provide construction supervision—a very specialized field. This includes selecting a contractor through a tender process. Often, facilities such as electricity, sprinkler systems, and water in these buildings are so specifically related to mechanization that they require special demands and thus specific tenders. We work alongside the client to develop a detailed requirements plan and prepare and evaluate tenders. Our supervision also involves coordinating and managing the various (preparatory) activities during implementation. Together with the client, we develop a transition plan to ensure that operations continue smoothly during renovations.
The required investments are substantial and have a significant impact on the company's financing and strategy. Our advisor is skilled at clarifying internal and external options. They develop various structures for the acquisition and construction of facilities, outlining their advantages and disadvantages. If needed, they establish contacts with external parties, including banks or investment firms, and support any tendering processes. Assistance is also provided in preparing for due diligence, if necessary.
We can also set up a financial monitoring system to track cash flow—both cash-out and cash-in.
Change management
The supply chain transformation serves the company's broader strategy. Understanding the implications for processes, organizational and meeting structures, tools, and competencies is a key part of execution. Often, management and employees hear about the new direction without fully grasping the consequences. We support senior management in translating and communicating these changes effectively at all levels. This approach helps employees commit to the new strategy, identify pain points, and focus on priorities.