
Challenges and Opportunities Uncovered and Ready for Action

2 min leestijd

Assessment of the Current Situation and an Indication of Opportunities for Improvement

Prescan - Free Initial Consultation

We aim to show potential clients exactly what we can do. By sharing our experience and expertise, we quickly provide a clear picture of the operational challenges. How does it work? After an initial conversation with one or two of our experts, we conduct a walkthrough of your company. This usually begins with a visit to key operations: the warehouse, planning department, or other relevant areas. We observe, engage with stakeholders, and gather insights. We take a day for this, compile a brief report, and share our findings with you.

This approach is an effective way for both parties to get acquainted and has proven successful time and again. Many of our long-standing clients began their journey with us through this method, and it continues to foster trust and meaningful collaboration.

Deepscan - More than intuition

A prescan is indicative, or perhaps better described as intuitive, drawing on our extensive experience. If your organization needs a more detailed, evidence-based conclusion regarding the current situation—including challenges and opportunities—a full assessment is required. Sometimes, we take an intermediate step we call a deepscan. By organizing a series of interviews or workshops and gathering basic information through a checklist, we validate or challenge our initial intuitive conclusions. With the information gathered, combined with our benchmark data and expertise, we gain a solid understanding of the potential that lies within your organization.

Full Assessment - Gaining Insight into Challenges That Hinder Ambitions

A full assessment stands on its own—it does not require a prescan or deepscan beforehand. We evaluate the current state of the organization in light of its ambitions, identify challenges, and provide recommendations. To properly assess the situation, it is crucial to fully understand the company's goals and their implications for the supply chain. This means comparing volume forecasts against capacities within the supply chain to determine where bottlenecks are likely to emerge. Beyond growth ambitions, increasing availability may also be a key priority for the company. In such cases, we evaluate whether the processes, competencies, decision-making, and responsibilities within the supply chain adequately support these goals.

The question we answer is whether these challenges can be addressed within the existing infrastructure through optimizations—and, if so, which optimizations—or if a new design is necessary.
