Network study

Massive job

Jan Willem Helfrich
2 min leestijd

Do you know anything, or understand, about sampling to measure water quality? Probably not. It was the same with us.
Fortunately, AQUON knows all about this, and we know all about logistics!
A new world opened up for us.

Welcome to Supply Today, where we strive with our customers for logistics innovation, practical solutions and efficiency. In this blog post, we elaborate on our successful partnership with AQUON. A full-service partner for nine water boards-and district water boards-in central and southern Netherlands.

From more than 15,000 locations, where more than 90,000 water samples are taken every year, AQUON provides its water boards with daily water quality insight.

A reassuring thought that the quality of our water is looked at so intensively!

AQUON will centralise its current Tiel and Leiden laboratories in Houten. Central question in the preliminary study was; Does it pay to organise sampling from one central point?

It soon became clear that this would not be the case. The next question was how to optimise the daily sampling. Led by Linda Dalm, Manager Sampling and Logistics at AQUON, we took up that challenge.

We examined the pros and cons of different scenarios of consolidating and/or repositioning sampling and stock locations, and how to make this lead to improved productivity and cost savings.

Miles driven, travel time (costs) and new planning methodologies were mapped out in detail- alongside, of course, the employees' experiences and suggestions,.

A nice logistics kind of double ‘Centre of Gravity’ puzzle between 15,000 sampling locations , multiple stock locations, many home locations of samplers and a central laboratory. But it worked!

‘We have adopted all your recommendations. The samplers are completely happy and so am I,’ said Linda Dalm of AQUON.

Fine! Customer happy and we happy. Would you also like to be happy with practical and innovative solutions to your logistics challenges? Supply Today would be happy to help you!


Jan Willem Helfrich

Jan Willem Helfrich holds a degree in Business Economics from Erasmus University and a Master’s in Supply Chain Management from Nyenrode University. He has held various (commercial) management positions at leading logistics companies such as Nedlloyd, Danzas, and DHL. Jan Willem has extensive experience supporting companies through transformation processes in the (European) supply chain.

View the complete profile of Jan Willem Helfrich